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Skinner (1904-1990) chose to study behavior through the use of what he called a Skinner box. We more so use the latter term today as we talk about associative learning.ī.F. This approach to learning was called connectionism and is similar to Locke’s idea of associationism. Thorndike also said that stimulus and responses were connected by the organism and this lead to learning. Behaviors that produce favorable consequences are “stamped in” while those producing unfavorable consequences are “stamped out,” according to Thorndike. The response of stepping on the treadle produces a favorable consequence of escaping the box meaning that the cat will step on the treadle in the future if it produces the same consequence. The process of learning in this case is gradual, not sudden. Think about it as trying things out to see what works, or what does not (making a mistake or error) and then by doing this enough times you figure out the solution to the problem, as the cat did.


This is called trial and error learning or making responses randomly until the solution is found.

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With each subsequent escape and re-insertion into the box, the cat became faster until he/she knew exactly what had to be done to escape.


The cat was then placed back in the box to figure out how to get out again, the food being its reward for doing so. Only the treadle would open the gate though, allowing the cat to escape the box and eat some of the food. To get out, the cat could manipulate switches, buttons, levers, or step on a treadle. The next morning, they were placed in the puzzle box and a small amount of food was positioned outside the box close enough to be smelled, but the cat could not reach the food. Cats were food deprived the night before the experimental procedure was to occur. He developed the law of effect thanks to his work with the Puzzle Box. Likewise, if our action leads to dissatisfaction, then we will not repeat the same behavior in the future. Influential on the development of Skinner’s operant conditioning, Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1949) proposed the law of effect (Thorndike, 1905) which says if our behavior produces a favorable consequence, in the future when the same stimulus is present, we will be more likely to make the response again because we expect the same favorable consequence. Describe Skinner’s work leading to the development of operant conditioning.Describe what extinction and spontaneous recovery are.Clarify why avoidance is important to learning.Describe what stimulus control is and the different ways to gain it.Describe the various partial schedules of reinforcement.Clarify how reinforcement can occur continuously or partially.Outline key factors in operant learning.Clarify what happens when we make a behavior and outline the four contingencies.

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Outline historical influences/key figures on the development of operant conditioning.Aversive Control – Avoidance and Punishment Take your time working through this module and be sure to ask your instructor if you have any questions. The four behavioral contingencies, factors on operant learning, reinforcement schedules, theories related to reinforcement, stimulus control, avoidance, punishment, and extinction will all be covered. With respondent conditioning covered and applications discussed, we now begin the very tall order of describing Skinner’s operant conditioning which was based on the work of Edward Thorndike.

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